Nikhil Upreti is Nepal's top actor who have gave two super hit movies last year. He has returned back to Nepali film industry after five years gap and gave a blockbuster film with Bhairav. Nepali film Bhairav was released last year during the time of blockade and the film did excellent business. Nikhil Upreti is busy on the shooting of King and after that he will be working on the new film Nirbhaya featuring Neeta Dhungana in lead role. Nikhil will also be working on Bhairav's sequel this year. Nikhil Upreti has debuted as a director from the film Bhairav. Nikhil went to India for trying his luck at Bollywood but he couldn't get into Bollywood rather he learned at India and came back to Nepal and made the film Bhairav which turned out to be money spinner. Recently on an interview, Archana Paneru has said that she is die hard fan of Nikhil Upreti since her childhood and she want to do movie with Nikhil. What Nikhil have to say on this note? Watch an exclusive interview with Nikhil Upreti:
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